Dodo Packaging Australia

Contact US

    Communication is a dire need in any dealing. Without communication, one cannot understand the other party and at the same cannot convey its purpose and message. Therefore, there must always be a better channel through which two or multiple parties can interact with each other and inquire about the respective services.

    Dodo Packaging is fully aware of this need and makes sure there are no mistakes in it. We witness many companies in the market, online and offline. However, the companies that have a proper pathway for the consumers succeed. Ever wondered why is this so? Every customer is different from the rest. He/she needs may be different from yours, so their queries and what kind of service they require are also different. When such is the case, they want to communicate with the representative and express their concerns.
    When they find somebody from the right department, they are impressed and most likely to stay. Similarly, imagine if there was no one to help them out in their search. Would they stay? Obviously not! Therefore, it is always important to provide a ‘Contact Us’ page online and offline!

    Now the question arises, how our ‘contact us’ can help you in different situations? Well, the following reasons and situations may answer your concerns. 

    Ask Us About Services

    Dodo Packaging is a packaging/printing entity. We deal in creating amazing packages for your products. The services consist of a long list that caters to all your product packaging’s needs. If you want to ask us about what kind of services we provide in the packaging domain, then through our contact us information, we can provide you with all the details.
    Our representatives will either call you, text you, or mail you the details/procedures. You can ask about: 

    • The type of printing method we use
    • The additional features we employ
    • The colour models we have
    • The coating types that you can choose 
    • The cost of your order, and much more.

    Ask Us About Staff

    Genuine companies never hesitate to share details regarding their team. This is because they do not hire individuals that do not meet their recruitment procedure.
    Likewise, Dodo Packaging is a well-known company in the region, and our team takes all the credit. Because of their credibility and skills, we make sure our orders meet deadlines and our clients are satisfied. Hence, why would we not want to share the details of such great staff? So, ask away!

    Ask Us About Our Timings

    When do we open? When do we close? When can you book a quote with us? When can you call our customer care for any situation?
    The answer to all these questions and others is one – We are Available 24/7!
    That’s right; you do not have to worry about our availability at all. All you have to do is contact us through any medium (call, text, email), and we will get back to you right away!
    These are our contact details; feel free to contact us anytime, anywhere. 




    Address: 903/50 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

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